Flowstate is the name of the merch line I am creating for my Vlog. One thing that I’m proud of and is unique about my brand is that I will be donating 10 percent of every single item sold to two different non profit organizations.
Splitting the 10 percent down the middle, 5 percent will be donated to the Mauli Ola foundation, and the other half will be going to Sustainable coastlines Hawaii. The Mauli Ola Foundation focuses on giving back to children with disabilities and incurable diseases by providing them with fun filled beach days.
They encourage them to get out of the hospitals and enjoy the ocean, sunshine, and fresh air. Sustainable coastlines Hawaii also focuses on giving back all their time and resources cleaning up beaches and taking care of our oceans.
The main reason for me wanting to do this is to show the world that everyone has the power to give back to their community. I’m trying to lead by example and show everyone if I can do this little gesture so can they.
I see a lot of individuals with powerful platforms, resources, and wealth who are not using that to their full potential. It is our responsibility to show the passed, present, and future generations just how much the world matters and we only have one.
One of my biggest inspirations is Jason Mamoa, he utilizes his platform on a global scale to stand for what he believes in and raises awareness about taking care of our people and the planet. For example his UN speech addressing the effects of climate change, pollution, and the changes we are experiencing across the globe really opened my eyes and inspired me to pull the trigger and move forward with this project.
It is time to rise up and be bigger than just ourselves, we need to leave the world a better place for the future generations to come!
Aloha --